Botox Influences the Control of Emotions in the Brain for Those with Borderline Personality Disorder

From Neuroscience News: For Complete Post, Click Here…

ngd- Interesting. This implies that part of the loss of control over emotion is feedback from the muscles expressing that emotion…

The bacterial toxin botulinum toxin (BTX)—colloquially known as Botox—is probably known to most people as a remedy for wrinkles. But botulinum toxin can do even more: if it is injected into the forehead, for example, it can alleviate depression.

It also dampens negative emotions in people with borderline personality disorder, who suffer from extreme mood swings.

Now the psychiatrists have found out where and how BTX influences the negative program in the brain. With the help of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), they have visualized the neuronal effects in borderline patients.

The result: botulinum toxin influences the so-called amygdala or almond nucleus in the temporal lobe in the brain, where fears arise and are processed.

Negative moods are expressed on the face in the so-called glabellar region, the area of the lower middle forehead. When we are angry or tense, two different types of muscles contract and cause frown lines or worry lines to appear above the root of the nose.

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